Title: NIYOG (Death Sequence)
Premise: What does crime dictate to conscience?
Synopsis: NIYOG is the story of Shiva, who has tonfight against odds amidst love, passion and revenge. From a state of fear psychosis he transforms himself to acquire a devilish nature and kills the man who he thinks is responsible for the death of his sister, and escapes to a distant city. He encounters troubles there, but Michael, an old man rescues him and gives him shelter. As days go by he finds that Anne, the beautiful daughter of Michael loves him. However, a smart and young Neethu utilizes the chance and seduces him. Anne sees the change in him and cries bitterly. Michael is aware of this but he is helpless. With a deep sigh he holds his dear daughter to his bosom.
Shiva knows he is responsible for this. A strange sense of uncertainty seizes him and his heart is filled with remorse. He strives to keep himself aloof from Neethu, but fails. Unable to withstand it any more, he strikes her hard in frenzy. She is shocked and leaves him in revulsion.
A war is brewing. Now it dawns on him that the earth that held him so far will hold him no more and he flees that place. He joins the army. He gets a commissioned rank. However, it gives him no joy.
The year 1971, the year of war cries dawns. Together with it come chaos and devastation.
In the camp, the doings of his partner bewilder him and the apparitions of ‘the Forester’ (Shiva’s first victim) start floating before him. He, being highly sensitive, responds in queer ways. And drowned in delusions and almost becoming insane, he returns to the very scene of the murder and unearths the remains of ‘THE DEAD’.
For a brief moment he thinks he is freed from his sins, and in trance he collects the mortal remains and goes to Haridwar. There, when the valleys echo the tolls of temple bells, he plunges ‘what is left of the Forester’ one by one into the Ganges. Seeing it sinking in the holy waters, he stands up relieved. With that the spell is broken; the soul is liberated. No more fetters, now.
Soon the India-Pak war breaks out and Shiva is in the war front, fighting for the country. When his company is about to win, the lack of reinforcement causes a set back, and he is captured by the Paks. They torture him and on their retreat, leave him behind, to meet his agonizing end in a swamp. But fate wants it in another way. So in that dreadful stillness Abdul Khalam of the ‘enemy line’ sees ‘his son’ in Shiva. Not thinking of the consequences, Khalam takes the dying man and walks towards the Indian camp.
Gruesome acts await Khalam. His wails and words do not help him and he falls unconscious creating a pool of blood under him.
Bangladesh is liberated. War is over.
Now, far away from Khalam springs up Shiva from his coma in the army hospital, to find his legs amputated. Henceforth he pulls on his wretched life in his wheel chair like an accursed one. He goes to Anne but she does not live there. They have left the place already. Not knowing where they are, he goes to Neethu. He is humiliated by her. He realizes the futility of his forlorn life.
He returns and opens a service station in the name of good old Michael. Meanwhile, he happens to remember about Abdul Khalam who saved him from the clutches of death. Having no one to care for now, he brings Khalam from Peshawar overcoming many hurdles. Days go by. Khalam is his sole companion henceforth.
One day, Shiva sees Neethu ‘in the company of a man’. The vengeance so far suppressed finds its way out. Shiva tries to kill her. But she escapes unhurt. He is exhausted and withdraws in disgust.
Time passes and the social scenario changes. Shiva’s unceasing efforts to get the whereabouts of Anne and Michael become successful. And in a far flung village, Michael reads a telegram. He then turns to and smiles at Anne. “It is Shiva”, he says. Anne is happy. Her Shiva will come.
And Shiva comes. Michael is very glad to see them united at last. With his blessings they leave for their destined life in the Service station, to satiate a happy and content life. But, Neethu is waiting to have a close encounter. It is her turn now. After all, she is not a frail woman as he thinks. So, in the dead silence of the night somebody comes into his ‘glass chamber’ unseen and unheard.
The animal instinct in him suddenly smells the impending danger. However, before he could act, everything quakes and he lies there on the floor. The cries of Anne echoes all over. Blood flows down her mutilated body. The winning roar of a female animal is heard aloud followed by an utter silence.
When the morning mist touched the window panes, Shiva opens his eyes. He sees his life-his Anne, lying on the floor lifeless in a pool of blood. He ‘roars’. It echoes all over the service station. It is terror.
Before long, the day has come, the day of Neethu’s wedding! Waves of wrath thrash him. When ‘the appointed hour’ arrives, a ‘Baraath’ is in progress under the starry sky. The marriage procession moves along the tarmac road in pomp. Suddenly, the inevitable happens. Shiva’s loud laughter reverberates all over. Along the road, blood gushes. Nobody should survive this time; neither the bride nor the groom.
Khalam is frightened. Shiva’s scornful eyes bulge out. There is blood. The unquenched wrath against his fate finds the target in Khalam and he wriggles in pain. Nevertheless, Shiva loves him, though his eyes seldom move.
Shiva starts hating his reflections and is afraid of his shadows. He hates everything that comes in front. The visions of the past float before him… The forester struggling for life……………… An axe jammed on his neck……….. Then the catastrophes…………His humiliation……………….He is being kicked out…………..The lady he loved once…………….. His guardian Michael …….Khalam….and the glass walls…All shatters one by one and the gruesome death comes in….
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